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Over on the post “Best Free Trojan Horse Scanning And Removal Software | Gizmo’s Freeware” contains this text: “”
Over on the post “Yahoo already hit with lawsuits over hack – CNET” contains this text: “”
A fault with Time Warner Cable’s network left millions of people cut off from the internet in the US. The firm said the problem affected customers in all 29 of the states in which it offered broadband connections. The problem started in the early hours of Wednesday morning, which will have limited its effect. Many […]
Over on the post “The UPS Store says malware found on systems of 51 stores | Security – InfoWorld” The UPS Store says malware found on systems of 51 stores Names, postal, and email addresses and payment card data may have been exposed By Jeremy Kirk | IDG News Service Print|Add a commentinShare1 The UPS […]
Over on the post “Heartbleed Implicated In US Hospital Leak – Darknet – The Darkside” contains this text: “”
Over on the post “How Vulnerable Are You To The Latest IE 0-Day? | Tenable Network Security” contains this text: “”
Over on the post “Browlock Goes Russian – F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab” contains this text: “”
Over on the post “Microsoft Scrambles to Fix Massive IE Security Bug” contains this text: “Microsoft has warned that every version of Internet Explorer is vulnerable to a major attack that could provide hackers with complete access to a computer. The vulnerability, which affects versions six through 11 of the browser, is particularly bad for […]
Over on the post “Sirkorski Demonstrates Unmanned Black Hawk” contains this text: “In cooperation with the U.S. Army, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., successfully flew an unmanned Black Hawk helicopter recently in an effort to provide autonomous cargo delivery to soldiers on the battlefield. The Optionally Piloted Black Hawk Demonstrator, known as Sikorsky’s Manned/Unmanned Resupply Aerial Lifter […]