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F-35 Stealth Questions Bring Back B-2 Memories
Over on the post “F-35 Stealth Questions Bring Back B-2 Memories” contains this text: “Boeing’s recent strategy to question the effectiveness of the F-35’s stealth capabilities against the latest air defense radars brings to mind similar questions that were raised about another expensive next generation stealth aircraft about 13 years ago. In 1991, Pentagon tests […]
Yet more encryption black mail ware
There is a third criminal ransomware gang ramping up their attacks. The malware is called CryptorBit, (also known as HowDecrypt), and follows a very similar attack process as CryptoLocker and CryptoDefense, but the malware corrupts the first 512 or 1024 bytes of any data file it finds, regardless of extension. It also seems to be […]
U.S. Plans to Build a Stealth Dirt Bike | Defense Tech
Over on the post “U.S. Plans to Build a Stealth Dirt Bike | Defense Tech” contains this text: “”
The Single Biggest Threat to Your Company’s Data | Inc.com
Over on the post “The Single Biggest Threat to Your Company’s Data | Inc.com” contains this text: “”
Lavaboom builds encrypted webmail service to resist snooping – CIO
Over on the post “Lavaboom builds encrypted webmail service to resist snooping – CIO” contains this text: “”
Oracle Java Cloud Service Vulnerabilities Publicly Disclosed
Over on the post “Oracle Java Cloud Service Vulnerabilities Publicly Disclosed” contains this text: “Security researches from the Polish firm Security Explorations have released a massive slew of PoC code and technical details on 30 Oracle Java Cloud Service Vulnerabilities. It seems like they had already reported them to Oracle, but weren’t happy with how […]
Summarizing Webroot’s Threat Blog Posts for March
Over on the post “Summarizing Webroot’s Threat Blog Posts for March” contains this text: “The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at Webroot’s Threat Blog for March, 2014. You can subscribe to Webroot’s Threat Blog RSS Feed, or follow me on Twitter:
Beauty supplies and you credit card number at “SALLY”
Over on the post “” contains this text: “”